Klavieruntericht in Schriesheim und Heidelberg mit Martin Smith für Erwachsene und Jugendliche.
Martin Smith bietet auch Coaching und musikalische Konzertvorbereitung an. Liedbegleitung und Probenbetreuung im Kronberger Forum mit Renate Wieland. Vortragskonzerte und Interpretationskurse. Das alles mit Martin Smith in der Dr. Hermann Brunn Straße 13 in 69198 Schriesheim!
My teaching career includes
- Professor of Piano at Tubingen College of Church Music (2006-2020, staff teacher 1992-2006)
- Piano Teacher at the Heidelberg College of Church Music (1986-2016) (courses: Postgraduate Diploma in Piano Studies; Piano Chamber Music and Song Accompaniment; Piano for Bachelor and Master Church Music Degree.)
- Voice repetiteur at Mannheim College of Music (1988-’91)
- Piano teacher in private practice (since 1982)
- Pastoral tutor to students at the Tubingen College of Music, advising on study and personal issues (2005 – 2011).
- Supervision of a professional development programme for the teaching staff of Tubingen College of Music: ‘Reflection, Clarification and Fostering of Common Goals for the college and its staff. (2005 – 2011)